ZEPF X-Tool Complete Set

ZEPF X-Tool Complete Set

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ZEPF X-Tool Complete Set

SKU: 17.007.00

The ZEPF X-Tool tray offers a universal instrument set for medical tooth extraction.

Includes six different instruments & washtray:

X-Desmo-Tool (yellow):
The X-Desmo-Tool easily enters into the periodontal gap with its pointed tip and initially loosens the Sharpey’s Fibres. The modified pencil handle and the handy shaft shape offer a depth sensibility like never experienced before without destroying related structures.

X-Luxa-Tool-3 (blue):
bent + narrow for tooth loosening

X-Luxa-Tool-1 (green):
straight + narrow: A delicate and controlled power transmission guarantees a specific loosening and luxation of the tooth without any risk of crown or root fractures.
Ideal position: approximal (mesial or distal) to the tooth which is to be extracted.

X-Luxa-Tool-2 (green):
straight + wide: Complete, non-traumatic luxation of upper molars (e.g. tooth 16). The ergonomic instrument shape ensures a gentle extraction without tooth fractures or any damage to the alveolar wall.

X-Luxa-Tool-4 (blue):
bent + wide: for tooth luxation

Lucas Schaber ZEPF-Line:
Inspection and curettage of the empty dental alveolus. Complete removal of all inflamed and connective tissue fibres.

All items are also available to purchase individually